Token management
“Token management” refers to the ID token refresh/revocation process. The Akoya ID token is used to enable secure communication between a data recipient and the Akoya network.
Token required!
Please obtain a token prior to completing this section.
"Happy path" tests
Test case | Task(s) | Expected result(s) |
Refresh an ID token | Call the /token endpoint with the refresh_token . | Receive valid new ID and refresh tokens. |
Refresh an expired ID token | 1. Identify an id_token older than 24 hours.2. Call the /token endpoint with the refresh_token . | Receive valid new ID and refresh tokens. |
Revoke an ID token | 1. Call the /token/revoke endpoint.2. Attempt a call to the /accounts endpoint. | 1. HTTP 200: OK (empty payload)2. HTTP 401: Unauthorized Error payload: { |
“Sad path” tests
Please review our error codes documentation.
Test case | Task(s) | Expected result(s) |
Refresh a used refresh_token . | Test a token refresh call with a refresh_token that has already been claimed. | HTTP 400: Bad Request Error payload: { |
Refresh with invalid client_secret . | Try a token refresh with an invalid client_secret . | HTTP 401: Unauthorized Error payload: { |
Revoke with invalid client_secret . | 1. Try the revoke token endpoint without a client_secret .2. Try the revoke token endpoint with an incorrect client_secret . | 1. HTTP 400: Bad Request Error payload: { 2. HTTP 401: Unauthorized Error payload: { |
Obtain a token with invalid authorization code. | 1. Use the /token endpoint with an expired code .2. Use the /token endpoint with an incorrect code . | (both tasks) HTTP 400: Bad Request Error payload: { |
Obtain a token with an incorrect redirect_URI . | Use /token endpoint with an incorrect redirect_URI . | HTTP 400: Bad Request Error payload: { |
Obtain a token with a missing grant_type field. | 1. Use /token endpoint with a missing grant_type field. 2. Use /token endpoint with an incorrect grant_type field. | HTTP 400: Bad Request Error payload: { |
Obtain a token with an incorrect client_id . | 1. Use /token endpoint with an incorrect clientId .2. Use /token endpoint with an incorrect client_secret . | 1. HTTP 401: invalid_client 2. HTTP 401 Unauthorized Error payload: { |
Refresh a token without a refresh_token . | Use /token endpoint with grant_type=refresh_token without including the current refresh_token . | HTTP 400 Bad Request Error payload: { |
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Updated 8 months ago