Creating a test app

An overview of technical implementation steps to integrate with the Akoya Data Access Network.

The following steps will guide you through creation of a test app in the Akoya sandbox.

Authenticate & select accounts

Review technical requirements.See: Requirements.
Register with Akoya for sandbox access.To register, you must provide Akoya with a redirect URI for your use with your sandbox test app. Akoya will provide you with a client Id and secret for your app.
Securely store client_id and secretEvery app has a unique client Id and secret. They must be treated as secure information and stored securely.
UX - Provider popup or redirectIntegrate into your existing provider selection UI or build popup/redirect flows for the consumer to select the data provider(s) they'd like to connect with your app. Upon consumer selection, initiate consent and authentication via Akoya to the provider. See: Native app integrations.
Use sandbox data for implementation and testingThe Akoya sandbox includes a mock data provider (Mikomo Financial) with several test users that may be used for end-to-end implementation and testing. Use these test accounts for the remaining implementation steps. See: Introduction to Sandbox.
Authorization grantAfter authentication and authorization, Akoya will return the consumer to your redirect URI with an authorization grant code in the URL with the parameter “code=”. Use this authorization code to request a set of tokens for this consumer. See: Authorization Code.
Store x-akoya-interaction-idAkoya returns an interaction id in every response header. Retain the id with logs for support and error tracking.
Id and refresh token generationExchange authorization code for ID and refresh token See: Token API reference and the token explainer.
Store tokenUse your current secure token storage or implement a way to store each consumer's unique tokens.
Token revocationImplement a way for the consumer to remove access to their data provider account(s). See Revoke Token.
Error casesCode for authorization or token errors. Develop UX for errors, timeouts, and reauthentication. See Authentication errors and Token API errors.
Validate authenticationValidate UX for account selection, consent, ID/refresh token for new and existing users.

Obtain data

Store x-akoya-interaction-idAkoya returns an interaction id in every response header. Retain the id with logs for support and error tracking.
AccountsUsing the id_token retrieved in the Id and refresh token step above for a test user, make a call for data. See: API Docs - Accounts info reference.
TransactionsUsing the id_token retrieved in the Id and refresh token step above for a test user and the account Id retrieved in the Accounts step above, make a call for transaction data. See: Akoya API v2 - Transactions reference.
Error casesCode for Akoya API v2 errors. Develop UX for errors, timeouts, and reauthentication. See Errors.
Validate dataValidate use and display of data in your own systems and UI.