
More integration guides! (April 16, 2024)

You’ve asked for more guides to help with your integrations, and we’re happy to share our two latest additions: The native app integrations guide (for iOS and Android apps) and a planner to list areas where provider nuances may impact your integration.


Use case guides and more!

Akoya has added more guides and improved the “How to work with Akoya” section to help you find the resources you need.


Introducing the Akoya Support Center

Akoya has launched a new Support Center in the Data Recipient Hub. The Support Center allows you to manage your Akoya production support tickets, search help articles, and contact us with general questions.


Enhancements to Akoya service APIs (March 12, 2024)

Akoya is dedicated to improving our service APIs to allow more access and insight into the network. The Management API is no longer in beta, and a new, enhanced version of the API is coming soon. The Notifications API (in beta) has added a new feature for consent notifications. Read on for highlights of these new and upcoming enhancements and today’s launch of self-service credential generation.


Support tickets in the Hub

Now you can report, track, and manage support issues seamlessly!

Starting today, you can view support tickets opened by your organization. Now, once you’ve opened a ticket, you may update it with additional comments and view updates provided by Akoya Support.

Plus! We've also added a guide on Tokenized Account Numbers (TANS).


New! Authorization code page and Hub provider information

A new web page exists for the default redirectURI when users onboard with the Akoya Data Access Network (DAN) sandbox. The new page reflects a successful authentication call. It displays the authentication code and features a Copy code button. For more information, see the Copy Authorization code documentation.


New in the Hub! Role-based access control

The Data Recipient Hub now offers role-based access control (RBAC). Previously, all Hub users were Admins. Now, you can assign the user the role of Admin or Viewer. Admin have all privileges available to a user and are designated by the crown icon next to the user’s name on the Hub My Company page. A Viewer is limited to such operations as creating support cases and viewing data provider inventories. A Viewer cannot reset credentials.


New! Akoya Notifications API (January 26, 2024)

Akoya is happy to announce the beta release of our Notifications API, to keep you and your organization updated and successfully running at all times. At launch, this feature will support the ability to subscribe to and receive service and maintenance information. The Notifications API will work to alert you about crucial events happening on the network and automatically inform your system about any network updates.


New! Network performance metrics (January 24, 2024)

Akoya is pleased to announce a new feature in the Data Recipient Hub which will allow you to quickly gauge the network's reliability and efficiency.


Pagination for Management API (January 9, 2024)

Akoya has enhanced the Management API with a new version update to v1.3. This release includes support for pagination.