Enable financial planning and budgeting tools, investment management, payment enablement, account opening, lending, credit enhancement, and more with end-user permissioned data obtained with Akoya products (Akoya API v2.2).
Products & endpoints
Authentication APIs
Our authentication APIs include our two token APIs. the Token API allows you to generate ID and refresh tokens to retrieve end user data from our data APIs. The Service token API generates access tokens for use with our service APIs.
- Token
- Used to obtain and refresh ID tokens for our data APIs.
- Revoke
- Used to revoke tokens on behalf of the end-user.
- Service token
- Generates access tokens for our service APIs.
Data APIs
Our data APIs allow you to retrieve permissioned consumer data from financial institutions. Our API products can be combined to meet a number of use cases.
- Account information
- Gets basic account info such as
, masked account number, type, description, etc.
- Balances
- Gets balance info and interest rates for bank accounts, credit cards, loans, investments, and more.
- Transactions
- Gets account transaction history.
- Accounts
- Get the data returned in Balances and Account Information plus contributions, holdings, vesting information, and more.
- Taxlots
- The taxlots endpoint allows you to retrieve tax lots of consumer-permissioned accounts.
- Customer information
- Gets customer data for the permissioned end-user>
- Account holder information
- Gets customer data for ALL account holders.
- Payments
- Includes account payment information such as
, andidentifierType
. This product supports use cases such as payment enablement and account opening.
- Statement list
- Gets a list of available account statement for the end-user’s consented accounts.
- Statement
- Gets a specific statement file in PDF format.
Service APIs
We have three service APIs: Apps Management API, Notifications API and Consent API.
Apps Management API allows you to create and manage applications on the Akoya network. Notifications API enables you to receive notifications about outages and other significant status changes on the network. Consent API allows you to receive notifications of an end user’s change in consent.
- Create app
- Create new apps on our network (up to 50 per request).
- Update app
- Update your app details.
- Get all apps
- Get a list of your created apps.
- Get purchased products
- Get a list of your subscribed Akoya products.
- Get valid providers For products
- List all providers that support an Akoya product.
- Get subscriptions for app
- Get details for a specific app’s data provider subscription.
- Get subscriptions for app - filter by status
- Get a list of your data provider subscription status for each provider.
Akoya Notifications API (BETA)
- Create notification subscription
- Creates a notification subscription to a specific category and type of notification.
- List notification subscriptions
- Gets a list of your notification subscriptions.
- Get notification subscription by Id
- Get a specific notification subscription.
- Delete notification subscription
- Deletes a notification subscription.
- Update notification subscription
- Update the callback URL, effective date, or callback email of a notification subscription.
- Maintenance notification details
- Get the details of a specific notification.
- Send sandbox test event
- Validate that your server can handle incoming webhook payloads from Akoya.
- Get consent grant
- Get the details of an end user’s change in consent.
This section covers the basics of our authorization flow and how it works.
Akoya has two types of tokens you may need to interact on the network:
- Tokens for our data APIs, generated with the Akoya Token API.
- Tokens for our service APIs, generated with the Akoya Service Token API.
Data API tokens
These tokens allow you to retrieve customer data from financial institutions via Akoya. For more details, see:
Service API tokens
These tokens allow you to use our service APIs, such as the Akoya Apps Management API and the Notifications API. See Service tokens for more details.
Authorization Flow
In order to integrate an end-user’s data into your app, the user must first authenticate with their financial institution and authorize their data to be shared.
At a high level, the authentication flow follows these steps:
- Your app sends the end-user to their provider’s sign in page via Akoya using a specific URL with required parameters for authentication. Required parameters are connector,
, andscope
. - The end-user completes account selection, agrees to terms with their provider, and then Akoya redirects the end-user to your app’s
with an authorization code in the URL. - The authorization code is then used to retrieve a set of tokens from the Token endpoint that allow you permissioned access to the end-user’s data.
Token API
After your app receives an authorization code, there are two API endpoints available via the Akoya Token API for token management as mentioned above:
- Token - this endpoint allows you to obtain id and refresh tokens initially as well as refresh them. It will return a JWT token.
- Revoke - nullifies a previously granted token.
Akoya Service token API
The Management, Consent, and Notifications APIs require service (access) tokens. You'll need a client id and secret to create a service token, which you can obtain in the Data Recipient Hub. Once you have credentials, use the service token endpoint to generate an access token which will last for 24-hours. After it expires, you will need to use your client id and secret to generate a new service token.
Common errors encountered during authentication and data access include:
- “Bad Request” (browser error)
- Returned if you’re trying to use an unregistered redirect URI.
- Returned when requesting ID and refresh tokens if your authorization code is expired.
- 601
“Customer not found”
- May be returned if the customer revokes access or the ID token expires.
For more information on the errors returned by our APIs, please see Error codes.
Need help?
Check out our Developer Community, or visit the Support Center in the Data Recipient Hub.
Looking for provider nuance documentation?
All provider nuance documentation is available in the Data providers section in the Data Recipient Hub.
Still stuck?
For all production issues, submit a support ticket through the Data Recipient Hub. Our support team is standing by 24/7. Questions and non-production issues will be answered during business hours.