Create App

Creates an application. This endpoint will automatically subscribe the created app to all the valid providers.

  • client_name should be alphanumeric and may include special characters: #$&'()\*+,-./|-é.. client_name needs to be unique. You cannot create two applications with the same client_name.
  • logo_uri must be a URL to a file (Required).
    • Minimum height: 200px
    • Minimum width: 200px
    • Maximum height: 1024px
    • Maximum width: 1024px
    • File types: transparent PNG or JPG
    • Maximum file size: 2 MB
  • icon_uri must be a URL to a file (Optional).
    • Must be square.
    • Height = width.
    • Minimum height: 40px
    • Minimum width: 40px
    • Maximum height: 200px
    • Maximum width: 200px
    • File types: transparent PNG or JPG
    • Maximum file size: 2 MB
  • scope: Products this app will use. This product list needs to be provided as a string where the products are space-seperated
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