Technical guide for webhooks used with Akoya Notifications

You typically need a server to receive webhooks events. When you add a webhook, you specify a URL where you want to receive the webhook events. Akoya will send a HTTP POST payload to this URL when events occur.

When your server receives a webhook event, it can process and respond to the webhook. For example, code running on your server could update an external issue tracker, trigger CI builds, update a backup mirror, or deploy to a production server when it receives a webhook event.

Create a new endpoint

A webhook is an endpoint on your server that receives requests from Akoya, notifying you about events. Add a new endpoint to your server and make sure it’s publicly accessible so we can send authenticated POST requests to you.

How to create a new endpoint on your server

For the purposes of testing, we're going to use a local server to receive webhook events from Akoya.

First of all, we need to expose our local development environment to the internet so Akoya can deliver events. We recommend using Postman as it enables you to create mock servers to assist with API development and testing. A mock server simulates the behavior of a real API server by accepting requests and returning responses.

Please read for more information.