Investments guide

Underlying positions of investment accounts including contributions, holdings, vesting information, and more.

The Akoya Investments product combines basic end-user account information with balance data and extended investment details to provide your end-user with robust, in-depth insight into their investments.


Use the /accounts endpoint

The Investments product is supported by the /accounts endpoint which returns all accounts permissioned by the end-user. This means the response includes investment accounts + all other permissioned accounts. For instance, if your end-user has permissioned a checking account in addition to their investment account, the result will include investment and deposit account categories.

This endpoint returns all data available in both the Account info and Balances products plus all other available data for investment accounts including holdings, contributions, vesting, and more (listed below). To use this product, you must have the end-user’s consent and their associated ID token for permissioned data.

Results for investments are returned in JSON in FDX format. While this endpoint is needed to retrieve extended data for the investment account category, you may also use it for other account categories (annuity, deposit, insurance, line of credit, or loans). If used for account categories other than investment, you will receive the same data as with the balances product.

Example response


Data elements shown are not exhaustive

This is an example. See the chart below for a complete list of supported data elements.

    "accountId": "426444887",
    "accountType": "IRA",
    "accountNumberDisplay": "*****5071",
    "currency": {
        "currencyCode": "USD"
    "description": "Rollover IRA",
    "fiAttributes": [],
    "nickname": "My IRA",
    "productName": "RolloverIRA Investment Acct",
    "status": "OPEN",
    "balanceType": "ASSET",
    "interestRateType": "FIXED",
    "interestRateAsOf": "2022-04-08T08:46:14",
    "lastActivityDate": "2022-04-08T08:46:14",
    "brokerId": "FID",
    "margin": false,
    "availableCashBalance": 69746.83,
    "balanceAsOf": "2022-04-08T08:46:14",
    "balanceList": [
            "balanceDate": "2022-04-07T00:00:00",
            "balanceName": "Minimumequitycall",
            "balanceType": "AMOUNT",
            "balanceValue": 0,
            "currency": {
                "currencyCode": "USD"
            "balanceDate": "2022-04-07T00:00:00",
            "balanceName": "Regulatorynetworth",
            "balanceType": "AMOUNT",
            "balanceValue": 153015.21,
            "currency": {
                "currencyCode": "USD"
            "balanceDate": "2022-04-07T00:00:00",
            "balanceName": "Usablenetworth",
            "balanceType": "AMOUNT",
            "balanceValue": 153015.21,
            "currency": {
                "currencyCode": "USD"
            "balanceDate": "2022-04-07T00:00:00",
            "balanceName": "Cashcreditbalance",
            "balanceType": "AMOUNT",
            "balanceValue": 0,
            "currency": {
                "currencyCode": "USD"
            "balanceDate": "2022-04-07T00:00:00",
            "balanceName": "Networthmarketvalue",
            "balanceType": "AMOUNT",
            "balanceValue": 153015.21,
            "currency": {
                "currencyCode": "USD"
            "balanceDate": "2022-04-07T00:00:00",
            "balanceName": "Memoadjustment",
            "balanceType": "AMOUNT",
            "balanceValue": 0,
            "currency": {
                "currencyCode": "USD"
            "balanceDate": "2022-04-07T00:00:00",
            "balanceName": "Cashmarginshortmarketvalue",
            "balanceType": "AMOUNT",
            "balanceValue": 69746.83,
            "currency": {
                "currencyCode": "USD"
            "balanceDate": "2022-04-07T00:00:00",
            "balanceName": "Liquidationequitycall",
            "balanceType": "AMOUNT",
            "balanceValue": 0,
            "currency": {
                "currencyCode": "USD"
            "balanceDate": "2022-04-07T00:00:00",
            "balanceName": "Totalsecuritiesmarketvalue",
            "balanceType": "AMOUNT",
            "balanceValue": 153015.21,
            "currency": {
                "currencyCode": "USD"
            "balanceDate": "2022-04-07T00:00:00",
            "balanceName": "Corefundamount",
            "balanceType": "AMOUNT",
            "balanceValue": 83268.38,
            "currency": {
                "currencyCode": "USD"
            "balanceDate": "2022-04-07T00:00:00",
            "balanceName": "Cashmoneymarket",
            "balanceType": "AMOUNT",
            "balanceValue": 83268.38,
            "currency": {
                "currencyCode": "USD"
            "balanceDate": "2022-04-07T00:00:00",
            "balanceName": "Fullnetworth",
            "balanceType": "AMOUNT",
            "balanceValue": 153015.21,
            "currency": {
                "currencyCode": "USD"
            "balanceDate": "2022-04-07T00:00:00",
            "balanceName": "Nettradedatecreditbalance",
            "balanceType": "AMOUNT",
            "balanceValue": 0,
            "currency": {
                "currencyCode": "USD"
            "balanceDate": "2022-04-07T00:00:00",
            "balanceName": "Cashmarketvalue",
            "balanceType": "AMOUNT",
            "balanceValue": 69746.83,
            "currency": {
                "currencyCode": "USD"
    "currentValue": 153015.21,
    "marginBalance": 0,
    "holdings": [
            "averageCost": false,
            "changeInPrice": 0,
            "currency": {
                "currencyCode": "USD"
            "currentUnitPrice": 8.01,
            "currentUnitPriceDate": "2022-04-08T04:14:30",
            "description": "AB HIGH INCOME ADVISOR",
            "heldInAccount": "CASH",
            "holdingName": "AB HIGH INCOME ADVISOR",
            "holdingType": "MUTUALFUND",
            "marketValue": 49566.83,
            "positionType": "LONG",
            "securityId": "01859M408",
            "securityIdType": "CUSIP",
            "symbol": "AGDYX",
            "units": 6188.119
            "averageCost": false,
            "changeInPrice": 0,
            "currency": {
                "currencyCode": "USD"
            "currentUnitPrice": 1,
            "currentUnitPriceDate": "2022-04-08T04:14:30",
            "description": "GOVERNMENT CASH RESERVES",
            "heldInAccount": "CASH",
            "holdingName": "GOVERNMENT CASH RESERVES",
            "holdingType": "MUTUALFUND",
            "marketValue": 83268.38,
            "positionType": "LONG",
            "securityId": "316067107",
            "securityIdType": "CUSIP",
            "symbol": "FDRXX",
            "units": 83268.38
            "averageCost": false,
            "changeInPrice": 0,
            "currency": {
                "currencyCode": "USD"
            "currentUnitPrice": 201.8,
            "currentUnitPriceDate": "2022-04-08T04:14:30",
            "description": "FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP COM USD5",
            "heldInAccount": "CASH",
            "holdingName": "FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP COM USD5",
            "holdingType": "STOCK",
            "marketValue": 20180,
            "positionType": "LONG",
            "securityId": "693475105",
            "securityIdType": "CUSIP",
            "symbol": "PNC",
            "units": 100

Supported data elements



Investments product responses vary by account category.

Calls to this endpoint for annuity, deposit, insurance, line of credit, or loan account categories return data included in the Balances product.

All account categories


account infotrueIncludes account info data elements
balancestrueIncludes balances data elements

Investment accounts

may also include:

holdings[holding]Array of holdings
openOrders[openOrder]Array of open orders
contribution[contribution]Describes how new contributions are distributed among the available securities
vesting[vesting]Provides the past, present, and future vesting schedule and percentages
investmentLoans[investmentLoan]Array of investment loans
pensionSource[pensionSource]Array of Pension Source
equityGrants[equityGrants]Array of equity grants


assetClassesarrayPercent breakdown by asset class.
assetClasses.percentnumberPercentage of asset class that falls under this asset
averageCostbooleanCost is average of all purchases for holding.
cashAccountbooleanIf true, indicates that this holding is used to maintain proceeds from sales, dividends, and other cash postings to the investment account.
changeInPricenumberChange in current price compared to previous day's close
currentUnitPriceDatestring(date-time)Current unit price as of date
debtSecurityobject [debtSecurity]Information about the security specific to the type of security
debtSecurity.parValuenumberPar value amount
debtSecurity.debtTypestringDebt type. COUPON, ZERO.
debtSecurity.debtClassstringClassification of debt. TREASURY, MUNICIPAL, CORPORATE, OTHER.
debtSecurity.couponRatenumberBond coupon rate for next closest call date
debtSecurity.couponDatestring(date-time)Maturity date for next coupon
debtSecurity.couponMatureFrequencystringWhen coupons mature. MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, SEMIANNUAL, ANNUAL, or OTHER.
debtSecurity.callPricenumberBond call price
debtSecurity.yieldToCallnumberYield to next call
debtSecurity.callDatestring(date-time)Next call date
debtSecurity.callTypestringType of next call. CALL, PUT, PREFUND, MATURITY.
debtSecurity.yieldToMaturitynumberYield to maturity
debtSecurity.bondMaturityDatestring(date-time)Bond Maturity date
descriptionstringDescription of the holding
expirationDatestring(date-time)For CDs, bonds, and other time-based holdings.
faceValuenumberRequired for bonds. Face value at the time of data retrieved.
fiAssetClassesarrayPercent breakdown by FI-specific asset class percentage breakdown
fiAssetClasses.assetClassstringFI-specific asset class
fiAssetClasses.percentnumberPercentage of asset class that falls under this asset
fiAttributesarray [fiAttribute][Data provider-specific attribute]
holdingIdstringLong term persistent identity of the holding
holdingNamestringHolding name or security name
inv401kSurcestringSource for money for this security.
marketValuenumberMarket value at the time of data retrieved
mutualFundSecurityobject [mutualFundSecurity]Information about the security specific to the type of security
mutualFundSecurity.mutualFundTypestringMutual fund type. OPENEND, CLOSEEND, OTHER.
mutualFundSecurity.unitsStreetnumberUnits in the FI's street name, positive quantity
mutualFundSecurity.unitsUsernumberUnits in user's name directly, positive quantity
mutualFundSecurity.reinvestDividendsbooleanReinvest dividends
mutualFundSecurity.reinvestCapitalGainsbooleanReinvest capital gains
mutualFundSecurity.yieldnumberCurrent yield reported as portion of the fund's assets
mutualFundSecurity.yieldAsOfDatestring(date-time)As-of date for yield value
originalPurchaseDatestring(date-time)Date of original purchase
optionSecurityobject [optionSecurity]Information about the security specific to the type of security
optionSecurity.securedstringHow the option is secured. NAKED, COVERED.
optionSecurity.optionTypestringPUT or CALL
optionSecurity.strikePricenumberStrike price / Unit price
optionSecurity.expireDatestring(date-time)Expiration date of option
optionSecurity.sharesPerContractnumberShares per contract
otherSecurityobject [otherSecurity]Information about the security specific to the type of security
typeDescriptionstringDescription of Other Security. Required if otherSecurity is included
positionTypestringLONG, SHORT.
purchasedPricenumberPrice of holding at the time of purchase
ratenumberFor CDs, bonds, and other rate based holdings.
securityIdstringUnique identifier of security
securityIdTypestringSecurity identifier type
stockSecurityobject [stockSecurity]Information about the security specific to the type of security
stockSecurity.unitsStreetnumberUnits in the FI's street name, positive quantity
stockSecurity.unitsUsernumberUnits in user's name directly, positive quantity
stockSecurity.reinvestDividendsbooleanReinvest dividends
stockSecurity.stockTypestringCOMMON, PREFERRED, CONVERTIBLE, OTHER
stockSecurity.yieldnumberCurrent yield
stockSecurity.yieldAsOfDatestring(date-time)Yield as-of date
sweepSecurityobject [sweepSecurity]Information about the security specific to the type of security
sweepSecurity.currentBalancenumberBalance of funds in account
sweepSecurity.availableBalancenumberBalance of funds available for use
sweepSecurity.balanceAsOfstring(date-time)As-of date of balances
sweepSecurity.checksbooleanWhether or not checks can be written on the account
symbolstringTicker / Market symbol
taxLotsarray [object]Breakdown by tax lot.
taxLots.costBasisnumberTotal amount of money spent acquiring this lot including any fees or commission expenses incurred.
taxLots.currentValuenumberLot market value
taxLots.originalPurchaseDatestring(date-time)Lot acquired date.
taxLots.postionTypestringLONG, SHORT.
taxLots.purchasedPricenumberOriginal purchase price.
taxLots.quantitynumberLot quantity.
unitsnumberRequired for stock, mutual funds. Number of shares (with decimals).


securityIdstringUnique identifier of security
securityIdTypestringSecurity identifier type CUSIP, ISIN, SEDOL, SICC, VALOR, WKN
employerMatchPercentagenumberEmployer contribution match percentage
employerMatchAmountnumberEmployer contribution match amount
employeePreTaxAmountnumberEmployee pre‐tax contribution amount
employeePreTaxPercentagenumberEmployee pre‐tax contribution percentage
employeeAfterTaxAmountnumberEmployee after tax contribution amount
employeeAfterTaxPercentagenumberEmployee after tax contribution percentage
employeeDeferPreTaxAmountnumberEmployee defer pre‐tax contribution match amount
employeeDeferPreTaxPercentagenumberEmployee defer pre‐tax contribution match percentage
employeeYearToDatenumberEmployee total year to date contribution
employerYearToDatenumberEmployer total year to date contribution
rolloverContributionPercentagenumberRollover contribution percentage
rolloverContributionAmountnumberRollover contribution Amount


grantIdstringUnique identifier of grant.
grantDatestring(date-time)Date grant was given.
grantTypestringType of grant.
seqNumnumberSequence number.
grantPricenumberGrant price.
grantCurrencyCodestringIndicates the currency of grant USD vs AUD vs EUR, etc. (for share awards, you will still get a USD).
quantityGrantednumberNumber of options.
quantityOutstandingnumberOutstanding quantity.
expirationDatestring(date-time)Date grant expires.
vestingsarrayAn array of equityGrant.vestings. Provides the past, present, and future vesting schedule and percentages.
vestings.vestedQuantitynumberVested quantity (Vested shares total qty of vesting tranche)
vestings.vestedValuenumberVested balance at grant (aggregate of all vestings).
vestings.vestingDatestring(date-time)Vesting date
vestings.vestExpireDatestring(date-time)Expiration date, i.e., forfeited unless exercised by this date
vestings.vestedStatusstringValid, active, or cancelled


loanIdstringUnique identifier for this loan
initialLoanBalancenumberInitial loan balance amount
loanStartDatestring(date-time)Start date of the loan
currentLoanBalancenumberCurrent loan principal balance amount
dateAsOfstring(date-time)Date and time of current loan balance
loanRatenumberLoan annual interest rate for the loan
loanPaymentAmountnumberLoan payment amount
loanPaymentInitialnumberInitial number of loan payments
loanPaymentsRemainingintegerRemaining number of loan payments
loanMaturityDatestring(date-time)Expected loan end date
loanInterestToDatenumberTotal interest paid to date on this loan
loanTotalProjectedInterestnumberTotal projected interest to be paid on this loan
loanNextPaymentDatestring(date-time)The next payment date for the loan


orderIdstringLong term persistent identity of the order. Id for this order transaction.
securityIdstringUnique identifier of security.
securityIdTypestringSecurity identifier type. CUSIP, ISIN, SEDOL, SICC, VALOR, WKN.
symbolstringMarket symbol
descriptionstringDescription of order
unitsnumbernumber of units (shares or bonds etc)
orderDatestring(date-time)Order date
unitPricenumberUnit price
unitTypestringSHARES, CURRENCY.
orderDurationstringThis order is good for DAY, GOODTILLCANCEL, IMMEDIATE
subAccountstringCASH, MARGIN, SHORT, OTHER.
limitPricenumberLimit Price
stopPricenumberStop price
inv401kSourcestringFor 401(k) accounts, source of money for this order. PRETAX, AFTERTAX, MATCH, PROFITSHARING, ROLLOVER, OTHERVEST, OTHERNONVEST. Default if not present is OTHERNONVEST.


displayNamestringName of the Source
amountnumberBenefit Amount
paymentOptionstringForm of payment
asOfDatestring(date-time)Date benefit was calculated
startDatestring(date-time)Assumed retirement date ‐ As of date amount is payable


vestingDatestring(date-time)Vesting date
symbolstringSecurity symbol
strikePricenumberStrike price
vestingPercentagenumberVesting percentage
otherVestAmountnumberOther vest amount
otherVestPercentagenumberOther vest percentage
vestedBalancenumberVested balance
unVestedBalancenumberUnvested balance
vestedQuantitynumberVested quantity
unVestedQuantitynumberUnvested quantity

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