Akoya products offer a wide breadth of solutions for your fintech needs that can be combined to cover a range of use cases.


To use the products below

You must have the end-user’s consent and their associated ID token for permissioned data.


Account Info

Basic account information (included with all other products)

API endpoint



  • A list of accounts with basic info data
  • Replaces the FDX accounts lightweight concept
  • Supports all account categories

Typical Use Case

Populating an account selection screen for the end-user or high-level information for a list of accounts.

Response Data

  • A basic version of account info data elements such as accountType, productName, status, or currency.
  • Multiple accounts or query specific accounts

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Balances and rates of bank accounts, credit cards, loans, investments, and more

Balances include a common grouping of data and may contain additional data elements for annuity, deposit, insurance, investment, line of credit, or loan account categories.

API endpoints




  • Account info and balances data

Typical Use Case

  • Displaying balance information to the end-user or conducting balance checks before initiating a payment

Response Data

  • Both account info and balances data elements such as accountType, currency, balanceAsOf, availableBalance, currentBalance, creditLine, or availableCredit.
  • Returns multiple accounts or query specific accounts
  • Supports all account categories

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Detailed information on underlying holdings and positions of investment accounts.

While this endpoint is needed to retrieve extended data for the investment account category, you may also use it for other account categories (annuity, deposit, insurance, line of credit, or loans). If used for account categories other than investment, you will receive the same data as with the balances product.

API endpoints




  • A comprehensive version of account info, balances, and investments data

Typical Use Case

  • Retrieve a comprehensive view of all account information for PFM or Wealth Management

Response Data

  • A comprehensive version of account info, balances, and investments data elements such as marginBalance, availableCashBalance, holdings (e.g., holdingType, symbol, units), or contribution (e.g., employerYearToDate, employeeYearToDate).
  • Returns multiple accounts or query specific accounts
  • Supports all account categories

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Up to two years of transaction data across account types, including amounts, dates, and descriptions.

Historical and current transactions, transaction types, amounts, dates and descriptions. May be included with all account categories except annuityAccount.

API endpoints




  • All 200 responses will return a pageLinks object with links (when applicable) for paging backward and forward in results.

Response Data

  • From a single account, a list of transactions data elements such as transactionId, postedTimestamp, description, category, amount, or transactionType.

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Verified contact information on file, including name, email, address, and phone number..

This endpoint returns information on account holders for the accounts permissioned by the end-user.


Account holder API endpoint

Some providers may need to use the account holder endpoint instead of the customer info endpoint.


API endpoints





  • All 200 responses will return a pageLinks object with links (when applicable) for paging backward and forward in results.

Response Data

  • Customer info related data elements such as name, email, addresses, telephones, or relationships (i.e., account holder relationship to an account)
  • Returns end-user information which is not account category specific.

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Identifiers necessary to make ACH and RTP payments.

The Payments product returns both account and bank routing numbers, as well as other crucial identifiers.

API endpoints



Response Data

  • Payment network related data elements such as bankId (i.e., routing number), identifier (i.e., account number), identifierType (e.g., tokenized account number), or type (e.g., US_ACH, US_RTP)
  • Returns a single account
  • Supports all applicable account categories

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List of financial institution statements available to download.

The Payments product returns both account and bank routing numbers, as well as other crucial identifiers.

API endpoints





  • Allows retrieval of statements for your end-user's consented accounts (up to two years of historical statements, depend on provider)
  • The Statements list endpoint returns an array of available statements with high level information of statement meta data including the link to retrieve each statement.
  • The Statements endpoint gets an individual statement, identified by statementId, in PDF, GIF, JPG, TIFF, or PNG format.

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Results for Akoya products are returned in JSON format following Financial Data Exchange (FDX) data structures.

Partial response coverage

When supported by the provider, Akoya may return HTTP 206 partial responses for the following endpoints:

  • /account-info
  • /balances
  • /accounts

Reasons for a partial response

  • Account error. Error retrieving data for some accounts.
  • Timeout. Partial retrieval of all requested accounts before the request times out.

Account error

A partial response will contain all requested accounts. Accounts with unretrievable data are included in the response with an error element in addition to the account identifier.


  "accounts": [
      "depositAccount": {
        "accountId": "7d5e1e78eb00817dfdce2",
        "accountType": "SAVINGS",
        "accountNumber": "475262500084",
        "accountNumberDisplay": "xxxxxxxx0084",
        "productName": "Savings",
        "nickname": "Savings 0084",
        "status": "OPEN",
        "description": "Savings",
        "currency": {
          "currencyCode": "USD"
      "depositAccount": {
        "accountId": "2b11458bf0f625b551",
        "error": {
          "code": 704,
          "message": "Account type not supported"


When a request exceeds the timeout threshold, the 206 partial response will include a 1207 error.

After receiving an 1207 error code, we recommend issuing follow-up requests for the accounts that were not returned in the original, timed-out response.


      "loanAccount": {
        "accountId": "bde4ee9c21a45",
        "error": {
          "code": 1207,
          "message": "Too many requests"