Change log

Akoya APIs v2

  • September 3, 2024
    • v2.2.2
      • Added mode query parameter to Account Information, Balances, Investments, and Transactions to support standard mode.
  • v2.2.1
    • Fixed typo in accountIds query parameter for /accounts-info, /balances, /accounts
    • Added security method for Account holder information to bear token. Missing method defaulted to basic auth.
    • Added examples and descriptions to some schemas
    • Added HTTP status 429 FDX error 1207.
  • v2.2 Additions
    • Added optional x-akoya-interaction-type header to all endpoints to specify if a request is part of a batch process
    • OpenAPI spec update of tags to organize endpoints by Akoya product
    • 206 response added to /accounts-info, /balances, /accounts
  • v2.1
    • New Statements product and Customers product updated with additional endpoint, Account holder information.
  • v2.0
    • Launch of Akoya products: Account Info, Balances, Investments, Transactions, Payments, Customers

Akoya Consent API v1

  • August 30, 2024
    • v1.0.2
      • Added sandbox server.
      • Added notification banners.
    • July 29, 2024
      • v1.0.1
        • Added a request body to the Get Consent Grant endpoint.
        • Corrected description text for the Get Consent Grant endpoint.

Akoya Apps Management API v2

  • August 15, 2024
    • v2.0
      • Initial release

Akoya Apps Management API v1

  • August 15, 2024
    • v1.3.2
      • Added descriptive text announcing deprecation of v1.
  • July 11, 2024
    • v1.3.1
      • Updated description for the Akoya providers by product endpoint:
        • Corrected query examples.

Akoya Notifications API v1

  • July 1, 2024
    • v1.0.1
      • Added sandbox API server
      • Added sandbox test event endpoint

Akoya Service Tokens v1

  • June 30, 2024
    • v1.0.1
      • Added scope for the Consent notifications API: scope=notifications_subscriptions advisory.
      • Added a callout explaining the difference in scope for the Management and Notifications APIs.

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