
Get detailed account information that includes Akoya products Account Info and Balances for all account types (annunity, deposit, insurance, investments, line of credit, and loan) and adds the Investments product to investment accounts including contributions, holdings, vesting information, and more.

To view the response schema, select the 200 response below. Then pick an option for annuity, deposit, insurance, investment, loan, and line of credit account types.

For an example payload response, see the 200 example response below the Try it feature. The example is from an investment account but all account types are supported and returned by this endpoint.


The id_token should be used as the bearer token with this call.

Use the mode query param to receive FDX-aligned, standardized data values (Beta). For example:

mode is available in both sandbox and production.

mode is supported by a subset of providers. Log into the Data Recipient Hub and click here to view a list of all providers supporting the mode parameter.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!