Contact information on file, including name, email, address, and phone number.
The Customers product supports two endpoints for retrieval of customer information.
The default endpoint (used in most cases as it is the most efficient), is Customer info (/customers
). This endpoint returns information for the permissioned customer.
The second endpoint is Account holder information (/contacts
). You will use this endpoint if it is required by specific data providers (please see the provider nuance documentation in the Data Recipient Hub), or if necessitated by your use case. By default, the response for Account Holder information includes the data elements for Customer info for the permissioned user in addition to the relationship data element, but some providers share customer data for additional account holders. Please see the provider documentation in the Data Recipient Hub.
The Customers product operates from the context of the bearer token (a.k.a. the authorized user). The Customer Info endpoint will meet your needs for use cases such as payment, identity verification, account opening, and UX personalization. It doesn’t return customer info at the account level (e.g. account holders for a joint account). Instead, it returns info for the currently-permissioned user only.
The Account Holders endpoint supports lending or credit decisioning use cases where you would want to determine the relationship between an account and the permissioned end-user (e.g. if they’re the primary account holder). This endpoint returns information on the permissioned account holder, and depending on the data provider, potentially account holders.
Please see this article from within the Data Recipient Hub for a list of providers that support the Account Holders endpoint. Please note that this article is only viewable from within the Hub.
The provider documentation tabs for each provider in the Data Recipient Hub also mention if the Account Holders endpoint is supported by that provider.
Results are returned in JSON in FDX format.
Example response
Data elements shown are not exhaustive
This is an example. See the chart below for a complete list of supported data elements.
"customer": {
"customerId": "1521963501",
"name": {
"last": "Last",
"first": "First",
"middle": "H"
"telephones": [
"number": "9585550103"
"addresses": [
"state": "TN",
"city": "SPRINGFIELD",
"line1": "7572 Road Rd",
"postalCode": "37172-6488"
"email": [
"[email protected]"
Supported data elements
Name | Type | Description |
customerId | string | Long-term persistent identity of the customer. This identity must be unique to the owning institution |
name | object | none |
name.first | string | First or given name. This data element may contain first & last name if not separated. |
name.middle | string | none |
name.last | string | none |
name.prefix | string | Name prefix, e.g. Mr. |
name.suffix | string | Generational or academic suffix | | string | Company name |
addresses | array[addresses] | An array of the customer's addresses |
addresses.type | string | The location type of an address |
addresses.line1 | string | May contain full address if not separated |
addresses.line2 | string | none |
addresses.line3 | string | none | | string | none |
addresses.state | string | none |
addresses.postalCode | string | none | | string | ISO 3166 Country Code |
telephones | array[telephones] | An array of the customer's telephone numbers. |
telephones.number | string | none |
telephones.type | string | none | | string | Country calling codes defined by ITU-T recommendations E.123 and E.164 |
email | array[string] | An array of the customer's electronic mail addresses |
Example response Customer Info (/customers
This is an example. See the chart below for a complete list of supported data elements.
"customer": {
"customerId": "1521963501",
"name": {
"last": "Last",
"first": "First",
"middle": "H"
"telephones": [
"number": "9585550103"
"addresses": [
"state": "TN",
"city": "SPRINGFIELD",
"line1": "7572 Road Rd",
"postalCode": "37172-6488"
"email": [
"[email protected]"
Supported data elements
Name | Type | Description |
customerId | string | Long-term persistent identity of the customer. This identity must be unique to the owning institution |
name | object | none |
name.first | string | First or given name. This data element may contain first & last name if not separated. |
name.middle | string | none |
name.last | string | none |
name.prefix | string | Name prefix, e.g. Mr. |
name.suffix | string | Generational or academic suffix | | string | Company name |
addresses | array[addresses] | An array of the customer's addresses |
addresses.type | string | The location type of an address |
addresses.line1 | string | May contain full address if not separated |
addresses.line2 | string | none |
addresses.line3 | string | none | | string | none |
addresses.state | string | none |
addresses.postalCode | string | none | | string | ISO 3166 Country Code |
telephones | array[telephones] | An array of the customer's telephone numbers |
telephones.number | string | none |
telephones.type | string | none | | string | Country calling codes defined by ITU-T recommendations E.123 and E.164 |
email | array[string] | An array of the customer's electronic mail addresses |
Example response Account holder (/contacts
This is an example.
extends the/customers
response entity. See the chart above combined with the chart below for a complete list of supported data elements.
"holders": [
"customerId": "1521963501",
"name": {
"first": "First",
"middle": "H",
"last": "Last"
"businessCustomer": {
"registeredAgents": [
"first": "RAFirst",
"middle": "I",
"last": "RALast"
"registeredId": "111223333",
"industryCode": {
"type": "BCLASS",
"code": "BC"
"domicile": {
"country": "USA"
"addresses": [
"state": "TN",
"city": "SPRINGFIELD",
"line1": "7572 Road Rd",
"postalCode": "37172-6488"
"telephones": [
"number": "9585550103"
"email": [
"[email protected]"
"accounts": [
"accountId": "839502593",
"relationship": "PRIMARY"
"relationship": "PRIMARY"
Supported data elements /contacts
Name | Type | Description |
holders | array[accountHolder] | FDX account holder, extends customer |
holders.businessCustomer | object | Customers that are commercial in nature are affiliated with a business entity |
businessCustomer.registeredAgents | array[nameObject] | See name object above |
businessCustomer.registeredId | string | TIN or other identifier |
businessCustomer.industryCode | object | none |
businessCustomer.industryCode.type | string | BCLASS, BICS, GICS, MOODYS, NAICS, OTHER, SIC |
businessCustomer.industryCode.code | string | Code value |
businessCustomer.domicile | object | none |
businessCustomer.domicile.region | string | Region of legal jurisdiction | | string | ISO 3166 country code |
holders.accounts | array[account] | List of accounts related to customer |
accounts.accountId | string | Account unique identifier |
accounts.relationship | string | Relationship. see below |
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Check out our Developer Community, or visit the Support Center in the Data Recipient Hub.
Looking for provider nuance documentation?
All provider nuance documentation is available in the Data providers section in the Data Recipient Hub.
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For all production issues, submit a support ticket through the Data Recipient Hub. Our support team is standing by 24/7. Questions and non-production issues will be answered during business hours.