Get authorization code

The first step in getting access to data via Akoya is to send your user to an Akoya authorization URL. Akoya will direct your user through their appropriate data provider's login and account authorization process and on success, will redirect them back to a URL you specify with an authorization code.

The request URL

Include the following parameters in your URL's path:

URL path parameterDescription
Base URLSandbox authorization URL :
connectorThe Akoya identifier for the data provider your user will be logging in to. Akoya takes this identifier and directs the user through the appropriate FI's login flow. For sandbox testing purposes, use mikomo
client_idYour application's client ID from Akoya.
redirect_uriThe redirect URI that you registered with Akoya for that client ID. Akoya will validate that the redirect URI exactly matches the one registered, to prevent malicious redirects.
response_typeThe OAuth 2 grant type being requested. Akoya only accepts code, indicating that the application expects to receive an authorization code if successful.
scopeSpace separated values to request levels of access. Currently all are required: openid ,offline_access, profile.
stateAny random string generated by your application. Akoya will include this state value back to your application upon completion of the authorization request for you to validate, in order to prevent CSRF attacks. We recommend the value of state being at least 8 characters long.

This is a browser redirect that will return an authorization code and not an API response.

Once your app receives the authorization code, you can present the code to Akoya in exchange for an ID token.



Each authorization grant code expires in 5 minutes.

For more on the authorization request process and tokens used in the Akoya Data Access Network, see: "Token flow".


Authorization URL

Use the authorization URL in a browser window, complete the consent flow, and get the authorization code.

Build your own URL

There are minor differences between sandbox and production authorization URLs, as detailed below:

Sandbox parameter valuesProduction parameter values​
scope=openid profile offline_access&scope=openid profile offline_access&

Replace CLIENT_ID in the example below and paste into a browser window.

Note: The sandbox default redirect URI is used in this example. If your app is using you only need to replace your client id.
Example success URL:

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Check out our Developer Community, or visit the Support Center in the Data Recipient Hub.

Looking for provider nuance documentation?

All provider nuance documentation is available in the Data providers section in the Data Recipient Hub.

Still stuck?

For all production issues, submit a support ticket through the Data Recipient Hub. Our support team is standing by 24/7. Questions and non-production issues will be answered during business hours.