Preparing to integrate

How to work with Akoya

Below is a list of suggested resources as you prepare to integrate with us. Ensure you’ve set up an account in the Data Recipient Hub (If your company already has an account, ask a team member with admin access to add you) and go through the Getting started guide before reviewing the content below.



  • Please learn about Akoya’s product offerings and technical requirements before starting development work.

Suggested learning path

  1. Read the products overview page in the docs to learn more about each of our offerings.
  2. Check out the product use cases section on our website for a high-level idea of how our products can be implemented in your app.
  3. Read the technical requirements for integration.
  4. Learn about our developer portal Data Recipient Hub and how to get started in our testing environment.



You should have:

Suggested learning path

  1. Check out our Postman collection.
  2. Review our Best practices guide.
  3. Read about the Akoya consent flow.
    1. Introduction to OAuth 2
    2. OAuth
  4. Check Hub documentation for provider nuances that may affect your app.

Most reference documentation is searchable by topic on our docs site. Some content, such as provider-specific nuances or troubleshooting guides, are available in the Data Recipient Hub. Check out the Data provider and Support center sections.

Integration guides

To help with integration, our Postman collections or OpenAPI specifications may help you get started.

The following resources may also help as you prepare to move your app into production:

Guides available in the Hub Support Center



You must be signed into the Hub to view the integration guides linked below.

Production access


You should have:

  • Completed testing in our sandbox
  • Requested production access (from within the Hub)

Need help?

Check out our Developer Community, or visit the Support Center in the Data Recipient Hub.

Looking for provider nuance documentation?

All provider nuance documentation is available in the Data providers section in the Data Recipient Hub.

Still stuck?

For all production issues, submit a support ticket through the Data Recipient Hub. Our support team is standing by 24/7. Questions and non-production issues will be answered during business hours.