Validating with sandbox
This section offers a suggested plan for validating your app using our sandbox to ensure a successful integration with the Akoya Data Access Network.
Please reference the error case inventory, pagination document, and the various Mikomo test users available in the sandbox as you complete these tests. Akoya provides a set of generic Mikomo users organized by use case to test our APIs. Provider-specific Mikomo users and data inventories are also available in the Data Recipient Hub.
Samples are based on production data, but responses may be updated or changed by providers.
Topic | Reference |
Akoya API docs | Akoya API Docs |
Integration guide | Onboarding: Integration |
Akoya error code inventory | |
Authentication errors | Authentication errors |
Token API errors | Token API errors |
Akoya API errors | Data Access API errors |
Pagination | Pagination |
Mikomo test users | |
Use case specific test users | Mikomo |
Provider-specific | Housed within the Hub; please reference provider-specific pages for data inventories and provider-specific Mikomo test users. |
Our plan includes four sections which cover:
Authentication: Authentication flow to the point when Akoya returns an ID token.
Token management: The ID token refresh/revocation process.
Akoya product responses: Responses from Akoya API endpoints.
Akoya API Error Cases: Errors triggered by Akoya data APIs.
Need help?
Check out our Developer Community, or visit the Support Center in the Data Recipient Hub.
Looking for provider nuance documentation?
All provider nuance documentation is available in the Data providers section in the Data Recipient Hub.
Still stuck?
For all production issues, submit a support ticket through the Data Recipient Hub. Our support team is standing by 24/7. Questions and non-production issues will be answered during business hours.
Updated 6 months ago