
New tech guides and updated error definitions (March 2, 2022)

Several pages have received updates including error codes, a deprecation guide, and documentation for link-based pagination.


New Akoya products! (February 11, 2022)

Akoya is excited to announce two new endpoints available in Sandbox: /payment-networks and /customers/current. These two endpoints accompany a new versioning system to support customers and payments products.


Documentation moved to Data Recipient Hub (January 27, 2022)

🚧 Provider-specific documentation has moved from the “Sandbox Data” guide section to a more integrated experience inside the Data Recipient Hub!


Data Recipient Hub updates (October 7, 2021)

✅ We’ve updated the data provider’s section of the Data Recipient Hub! A global view of data elements is now available under “Data Providers:”


Data Access API migrating to v4.1 (May 5, 2021)

🛑 Data Access API v1 is going to be deprecated on October 1. Akoya will be working with data recipients to assist with migration.


Updated Postman collection (March 31, 2021)

📌 Our Postman collection has been updated to include account authorization into one step and descriptions for the revoke token endpoint.


Introduction to FDX (March 9, 2021)

✅ New doc added: Introduction to FDX