
More integration guides! (April 16, 2024)

You’ve asked for more guides to help with your integrations, and we’re happy to share our two latest additions: The native app integrations guide (for iOS and Android apps) and a planner to list areas where provider nuances may impact your integration.

Native app integration is the process of interconnecting one or two native apps for a seamless user experience. We cover app-to-web and app-to-app in our guide and the two primary mechanisms App Links (Android) and Universal Links (iOS).

Note: Please log in to the Data Recipient Hub, then click on the link to the guide in our Support Center.

The Support Center now has “Integration planning for provider nuances.” This guide has summarized a checklist of where to find provider nuances that may impact your integration. For a full overview of integration, please see: Onboarding: Integration.