
Identifiers necessary to make ACH and RTP payments.

Full account number and bank routing number. Includes bankId, identifier, type, and identifierType.

Results for payments are returned in JSON in FDX format.

Endpoint: /payments

API documentation:

Example response

    "paymentNetworks": [
            "transferOut": true,
            "identifier": "454992210071",
            "bankId": "125000024",
            "transferIn": true,
            "identifierType": "ACCOUNT_NUMBER",
            "type": "US_ACH"

Supported data elements

bankIdstringBank identifier used by the payment network ie. Routing Number
identifierstringThe number used to identify the account within the payment network. If identifierType is ACCOUNT_NUMBER, this is the account number.
identifierTypestringType of identifier
typestringType of payment network
transferInbooleanCan transfer funds to the account using this information
transferOutbooleanCan transfer funds from the account using this information