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How up to date is the data?

If I make a request to the /balances endpoint - how up to date is the data? Can I expect it to be real time? I see there's a field: balanceAsOf - but what if this value is several hours old and I want to data that's more current, is there a way to refresh the account to get more current data?


Routing number

How can we retrieve the routing number of the user? I think we can get the MICR number in the account information APIs, but there is no sample value for it. However, I was suggested using the Payment API with the bankID (routing number) and identifier (account number) attributes. I think these attributes are the attributes of the one who the user making payment to, these are not the routing number and identifier of the user.


MICR Sample values



Transactions returned from transaction api missing 'status' field

When I query for /transactions/v2/{}/<account_id>?startTime=2024-01-01T01:00:00Z&endTime=2024-08-21T01:00:00Z&limit=100 for a specified account ID, I've been getting back investmentTransactions that are missing a status? I'm unable to differentiate between PENDING and POSTED transactions then.


Can individuals use Akoya APIs for their own personal accounts?

I've been looking for a way to automate aggregating information from my own financial accounts for personal use (not developing any sort of commercial app). Plaid seems to offer a usage tier where an individual can use their API for free for a very limited number of transactions ... this would fit the bill for me, except Plaid doesn't support all the integrations I would need. I found Akoya, but it seems to not have a comparable "free for limited personal use" effective model. So I wanted to confirm that before bothering to spend any time learning the API, and hoping I can get a clarification here. Thanks in advance.



Hi I was exploring the site and looking for web hooks to get Updates like if a new Transaction is added to accounts. or updated and deleted.


CORS Error on Authorization Code Endpoint

I am getting CORS error when using the authorization endpoint from my react application on the localhost. I have added this URL "http://localhost:3000/my-page" but rather than getting this redirect URL along with the code in response, I am getting CORS error. How can we fix this? Otherwise, I can't continue!


Has anyone used get-account-holder?

I want to migrate from using customer-info to get-account-holder. Anyone have any experience using this endpoint and if it can be tested in sandbox?


Transaction Notifications / Webhooks

I’m working on integrating Akoya with sandbox credentials. I’m trying to determine whether I have to poll Akoya for account updates, like new/updated transactions, or if that is something the subscriptions/notification/content APIs can handle via webhooks. I see there are a few mentions of webhooks on the docs site, but I am struggling to find pertinent examples… Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the purpose of the subscriptions / notifications endpoints... I see examples for scheduled maintenance type notifications, but I'm specifically look for transaction/account notifications.