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Inquiry About Availability of Updated Holdings List

Hey, We are using the Accounts endpoint to get the data of the user's investmentAccount, including the holdings. Currently, we have our own internal collection of holdings, and we want to ensure that our data remains in sync with the latest available holdings list provided by your API. We are concerned that the list of holdings returned by the API may become out of sync with our internal collection over time. To mitigate this, we would like to know if there is a way to get an updated list with all the possible holdings provided by your company through the API or any other method. Ideally, we would like to implement a daily synchronization routine where we update our internal collection with the latest holdings from your platform. If such a list is not readily available, please suggest an alternative method for us to stay synchronized with the latest holdings from your company. Thank you for your assistance. Looking forward to your prompt response.

IRA contributions

Hi, I see in the investment endpoint, there's contributions related to 401(k), but where do we see if it's an IRA contribution? For example, I see in the Transaction endpoint there's a "priorYear" field, that's boolean. Does that mean we gotta use the Transaction endpoint for IRA contributions, but Investments endpoint for 401k contribution? Theo

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