
Provider auto subscribe enabled in the Hub (August 15, 2024)

Updated 9/19/2024

We’re pleased to announce that we have enabled provider auto-subscribe in the Data Recipient Hub!

Previously, you had to select data providers manually when registering a production app in the Hub, causing potential delays in accessing necessary data.

Now when creating a production app, you're automatically subscribed to all providers that support your app's products. When a new provider that supports your app’s products comes on our network, we’ll automatically subscribe your app to that provider, allowing you to provide your customers with an expanded selection of financial institutions.

What about existing apps?

Pre-existing apps will not automatically subscribe to all providers. If you'd like to enable this functionality with pre-existing apps, please submit a support ticket in the Data Recipient Hub.

If a provider adds support for an Akoya product that’s enabled for my app, will my app auto-subscribe to that product?

No, this functionality is currently not supported. If a provider adds support for a new Akoya product and you want to subscribe your app to that product, please submit a support ticket.