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get data providers ( banks )

Is there a possibility to get all the providers(banks) with an endpoint REST?? Because we need this information in our backend.

Typo in docs

Just a quick heads up to the Akoya team: there is a typo in the Refresh Token docs. <> On this page, the URL should be POST <> not POST <{token}> The {token} is NOT a URL parameter. That caused me legitimate confusion for a while as I was trying to put the token in the URL.

Holding/Security Data

Hey! πŸ‘‹ Do you have any list or more structured data of all Securities you are handling? I'm receiving lot's af CUSIPs and "fundcode:XXXX" and it would be nice to have access to detailed information about that.

Does the Developer Community have office hours?

Our Developer Community team is available Mon-Fri, 9-5 EST to answer questions and address any non-critical issues. If you're experiencing an urgent production issue, support is available by contacting us through the Data Recipient Hub. <>

Get updated balances

Hi! I see the endpoint to fetch balances of accounts and I expect to receive the "balanceAsOf" with the timestamp. How often is the balance updated? Will every call give me the most up-to-date balance, or is there any delays? Maybe some "caching" (balances are updated every 4 or 8 hours?) Is there away to "force" and get the most updated balance? Thank you.

How to properly calculate the TOTAL balance from an investment account?

Hi! I have a question when fetching balances from investments accounts. There are many properties related to monetary amounts and I'm not sure which one (or maybe a sum of them) will reflect the actual "total balance". What I'm calling "total balance" is all the amount invested (equities, stocks, ...) plus any amount in cash. Is it `currentValue`? Or should it be `currentValue + availableCashBalance`? I also see some fields called `rolloverAmount`, `shortBalance` and `marginBalance` that I'm not sure if I need them. Thank you.

What's the recommended way to know the "connectorId" of a token?

When exchanging the "code" from OAuth flow for tokens by calling <>, we receive, among other things, the `id_token`. When deserializing the JWT, I can see that there is a `connectorId` with the name of the connect/institution. However, when I refresh the token, the new JWT won't have this field. 1. Will `connectorId` always be available on the id_token received from the `token` endpoint? 2. Is using the `connectorId` from JWT the recommended way to know which connector/institution is linked to that JWT? Thank you.

Is there a way to know when a refresh_token expires?

From the documentation, different providers might have different strategies. I wonder if there is a way to programmatically know when the refresh token will expire.

What are the possible Account Types?

Hi! According to <>, the account types can be one of the following: 401A, 401K, 403B, 529, AUTOLOAN, CD, CHARGE, CHECKING, COMMERCIALLINEOFCREDIT, COMMERCIALLOAN, COVERDELL, CREDITCARD, ESCROW, ESOP, GUARDIAN, HOMEEQUITYLOAN, HOMELINEOFCREDIT, INSTITUTIONALTRUST, INSTALLMENT, IRA, KEOGH, LINEOFCREDIT, LOAN, MILITARYLOAN, MONEYMARKET, MORTGAGE, PERSONALLOAN, ROLLOVER, ROTH, SARSEP, SAVINGS, SMBLOAN, STUDENTLOAN, TAXABLE, TDA, TRUST, UGMA, UTMA, ANNUITY. However, when I use sandbox accounts (mikomo_1 or mikomo_4) I get different values not present in this list like: - I - HSA - TODI - College Savings Can you please update the doc and provide an updated list of possible account types? Also maybe cleaning up the sandbox responses so their are valid according to the specs?

Help with Revoke Token endpoint

Hi, I'm trying to call the revoke token endpoint (on sandbox environment) but I'm always receiving unauthorized client. I've used the other endpoints (get token, refresh token) and both worked fine. Here's some details about the request/response: ```json { "success": false, "elapsed": 409, "request": { "method": "post", "url": "", "data": { "client_id": "<omitted>", "client_secret": "<omitted>", "token_type_hint": "refresh_token", "token": "[REDACTED]" }, "length": 207 }, "response": { "status": 401, "statusText": "Unauthorized", "data": { "error": "unauthorized_client" } }, "responseHeaders": { "x-akoya-interaction-id": "Root=1-65134244-31f57f674b41d6e423376d28" } } ```