
Introducing data standardization beta (September 3, 2024)

Akoya is constantly striving to optimize our APIs in order to provide you with the most robust data from all providers on the network. To that end, we’re excited to announce the launch of a new option to receive standardized data from some of our endpoints.

Designed to offer greater flexibility and even faster integration, the following Akoya products will support the standardized option: Account Info, Balances, Investments and Transactions. The standardization option will launch with a subset of data which will be updated on an ongoing basis to ensure that data elements conform to the FDX format without compromising data integrity.

Why are we doing it?

Akoya currently supports responses from data providers in FDX format and returns all data values unaltered. While raw data is a powerful tool and preferred by many data recipients, it can also mean that values across various data providers differ in format (ex: date-time, enums, undefined value categories). In order to solve for this, we’re responding with FDX-aligned, standardized data values.

Akoya will continue to provide raw data from our existing endpoints and will now offer the option for the same data to be returned in a standardized format via a parameter set in the API request.

How will this impact me?

If your needs are met with the current raw data provided by existing Akoya endpoints, this will not impact you, and you do not need to make any changes.

You may test the new standardized option in Sandbox by including the parameter in your call:

What is available?

The following endpoints will provide the indicated standardized values:


Watch for improvements!

We are looking to expand our standardized fields. This will be determined by analysis of outputs we are receiving today.

As with all Akoya products, plan for continual improvements to these endpoints.

Mode parameter

[not included]raw responses
rawraw responses
standardstandardized data

To view a list of providers that support the new standardized option, log into the Data Recipient Hub and see this Support Center article.