
Pagination for Management API (January 9, 2024)

Akoya has enhanced the Management API with a new version update to v1.3. This release includes support for pagination.

What can you expect?

Pagination supported by the Management API

Using bulk actions with the Management API, responses can return hundreds of data elements. To help you handle this large amount of data, several endpoints in the Management API now use pagination. You may page through data using offset and limit parameters. A new metadata element will be included in responses to the following:

  • /recipients/:recipientId/apps
  • /subscriptions/:appId
  • /subscriptions/:appId/status
  • /recipients/:recipientId/providers

The endpoints that now support pagination use limit offset pagination by default. Requests to those endpoints should include offset and limit query parameters.



If offset and limit parameters are not included in requests to the supported endpoints, your response will default to the first page and include fifty items.

The metadata will default to offset = 0 and limit = 50

For more on how to use limit offset pagination, please see: Offset limit pagination

What else is in this update?

DELETE App no longer available

The DELETE action is no longer available for the /app endpoint. If you need apps removed, please contact Akoya.